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Ventilating your loft room

Renovation consultant Diana May, gives homeowners advice on ventilating a recently renovated loft.

Modern loft shows living room ventilated with three large windows
ARTICLE Diana May 


“We are in the middle of converting our loft into a living space. How can I ventilate my new loft room?” 


Your renovation specialist can hire the services of a registered building surveyor to conduct a 'condition inspection' of your home. 
Natural ventilation can be achieved through the use of roof windows with an opening mechanism. Install the windows on both sides of the room to create a cross ventilation pathway. Ceiling fans and air conditioning systems can provide mechanical ventilation. 
If your loft includes a bathroom, you must install an extractor fan to remove moisture and condensation and ensure it vents to the outside of the house. 
A combination of heat rising from within the house and external heat from the summer sun, will result in a very hot room. Therefore, insulation is essential to keep the room comfortable enough to live in. To be sure, talk to your renovation specialist for ventilation and insulation standards.

Make sure you read through these FAQs when doing a loft conversion.

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This column by Diana May featured on page 33 in Issue 021 of Renovate Magazine. Renovate Magazine is an easy to use resource providing fresh inspiration and motivation at every turn of the page.

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*All information is believed to be true at time of publishing and is subject to change.

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